Graphite Lines

Stamps with graphite lines were introduced in 1957 as an experiment in Automatic Letter Facing (ALF). There were two lines per stamp, with a single line on the 2d value for the printed paper rate. The lines were 1/32″ (0.8 mm) wide and applied to the back of the paper before applying gum.

Since graphite lines were applied continuously, they could only run in the direction of the watermark. Hence there are no continuously printed graphite rolls with sideways watermark, all sideways delivery graphite rolls are made of strips from sheets.

Leaders were overprinted “LINE STAMPS”: OP1 (19mm), OP2 (24mm), or OP3 (14mm). OP1 and OP2 were handstamped in black or red, OP3 was by letterpress in red.

Nov 1957 (St. Edward’s Crown):
E 1d 480 £2 Lower End Blue/White c OP:3r
G ½d 480 £1 Lower End Orange/White c 1b 2b 3r
M 2½d 480 £5 Left Side Buff 12 * 1b
N 1½d 480 £3 Left Side Green 12 1r
S 3d 480 £6 Left Side Buff 12 1b 2r
T 2d 480 £4 Left Side Buff 12 1r 2r
V 2d 960 £8 Lower End Brown/White 20 1b 3r
W ½d 960 £2 Lower End Orange/White c 1b 2b 3r
X 1d 960 £4 Lower End Blue/White c 3r
Y ½d 1,920 £4 Lower End Orange/White c 1b 2b
Z 1d 1,920 £8 Lower End Blue/White c 1r 3r

c: continuous    csw: continuous sideways    12/20: strips
* 2½d with Type II diadem.

1958-59 (Crowns):
C 3d 960 £12 Lower End Buff c OP:3r
E 1d 480 £2 Lower End Blue/White c 3r
S 3d 480 £6 Left Side Buff 12 1r
V 2d 960 £8 Lower End Brown/White 20 3r
W ½d 960 £2 Lower End Orange/White c 3r
X 1d 960 £4 Lower End Blue/White c 3r
Y ½d 1,920 £4 Lower End Orange/White c 3r
Z 1d 1,920 £8 Lower End Blue/White c 3r
1961 misplaced graphite lines:
Z 1d 1,920 £8 Lower End Blue/White c 1r 2b 3r

1d (Z) rolls were made up using residual stock of graphite lined booklet paper. Because the booklet layout was different, these can be found with one, two, or three graphite lines. The three line example results from lines running along the perforations, so part of a line is seen along each edge of the stamp.

Stamp Vending Machines

Rolls for use in Post Office vending machines (GEWXYZV) have 480, 960 or 1,920 stamps wound lengthways, facing inwards, onto ¾” diameter cores, for delivery lower end first.

St. Edward’s Crown:
   ½d (G) rolls with OP1, OP2, OP3:

   ½d (W) rolls with OP1, OP2, OP3:


POKO Affixing Machines

Rolls for use in POKO affixing machines (C) have 960 stamps wound lengthways, facing outwards, onto 1¼” diameter cores, for delivery lower end first. These rolls were also used in Post Office vending machines using false metal cores to change the core diameter from 1¼” to ¾”.


Multipost Affixing Machines

Rolls for use in Multipost affixing machines (NTMS) have 480 stamps wound sideways, facing outwards, onto ½” diameter cores, for delivery left side first.

St. Edward’s Crown:
   Made from strips of 12, watermark upright (NTMS):

   Made from strips of 12, watermark upright (S):

Next: Crowns